Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sleep Tight

The Myrtle Plantations historical home is fully accommodating to it's guests. That is, guests who would like to get the full affect and be completely scared out of their mind. Accommodations include daily guided history and mystery tours, a full service restaurant, 11 bed and breakfast rooms, wedding and reception facilities, and the full experience of "One of America's Most Haunted Homes." Much to researchers surprise on the haunted mansion, these accommodations are continually used by visitors. A haunted wedding? Apparently appealing to some. Photos of a view from the verandah or the sight of the crepe myrtle on the courtyard have a peaceful, calming appeal. The actually be on the grounds however, is said to be a bit erie. The following video is pictures of the land from a visitor.
The Myrtles Plantation. "One of America's Most Haunted Homes".


Kaitlin Pondolfino

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