Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Haunting in Connecticut

Starting from the very first day that the family moved in, strange events began to occur in the house. Before moving some furniture into the kitchen, Karen decided to mop the kitchen floor. Karen says that all of a sudden “the mop water turned blood red.” One night, before Paul was taken away, he and his brother,Bobby, had remember seeing four men talking to eachother in the corner of their room. From that night on, the two boys would sleep with their lights on because they believed that this was the only way it would keep the evil spirits away. Ed, became very angry of this because the electric bill had become very high. In a result of this, Ed took out all but one of the light bulbs in the boys room. That night, Connie was seen flicking the lights on and off by Bobby, while the lamps had no light bulbs.Bobby ran upstairs and found that Connie was asleep the whole time. Other subtle signs of evil spirits began to appear, such as crucifixes disappearing from all over the house. Things especially became worse when Paul had left the house and entered the mental hospital. Karen and her niece were sitting at the kitchen table when all of a sudden a big black smoke covered the room. Karen’s niece, who was wearing a rosary, said that “the cross just lifted right over [her] head then broke into pieces.” Theresa also said that she felt “a thousand hands all over [her] and [she] could do nothing about it.” While this was happening, Ed’s car drove itself into his office building. Other strange things occurred in the Parker’s home. One night, while Karen was taking a shower the shower curtain suddenly wrapped around her entire body and began to suffocate her. Theresa had heard her aunt’s screams and rescued her from the terrifying trap.

"Discovery A Haunting in Connecticut" A Haunting in Connecticut Discovery October 2008 YouTube 14 April 2009

Brittany Quiocho

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