Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dark Destinations

Karen remembered reading about a couple named, Ed and Lorraine Warren, in the newspaper a couple days before. She had previously read about their involvement in the Amityville case and she thought that they could help get rid of the evil spirits haunting their house. While on the case Ed, Lorraine, and their investigation crew practically moved into the house with the family. They all slept in the living room in order watch out for one another. One night, while they were investigating the house, Karen was possessed by an evil spirit. He had held her down, paralyzing her, and “filled her body with negative emotions.” When she could finally move, her family told her that she had been “out for 8 hours.” Ed and Lorraine suggested that the family should contact a priest and request an exorcism of the house. After long investigations by the Catholic Church the family was granted an exorcism. During the exorcism, Karen was thrown into the wall. Also, Theresa was lifted off the ground and violently choked. The priest told everyone to “ignore what the evil spirit was doing, because acknowledging it would only make it stronger.” After the exorcism, the evil spirit had reportedly “left the house.” John Zaffis, one of the main investigators, said that after the exorcism "the house definitely felt lighter and we all felt a sense of calm and relief." Karen also said that the house “finally felt warm, comfortable, and free.”

"A Haunting in Connecticut House" Dark Destinations 2009 21 March 2009

Brittany Quiocho

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