Thursday, April 23, 2009

Amityville Happily Ever After

With most haunted stories, we are never told of the present status. Is it still going one? Does someone live their now? All these questions are some of which I asked about the Amityville house. Come to find out, the Amityville house still stands. Other then some slight work to the side windows, which used to be considered the red eyes of the house, nothing has really changed. The family living there is happy with the house and not willing to move any time soon.

And as far as paranormal activity, none has been reported since the Lutz family left.
It is speculated that the Lutz family had a deal with Robert DeFeo. Their haunting stories were an attempt to help and get Robert off as innocent for the murder of his family. Did the plan work? No. Not at all. Actually, Robert is still behind bars today, and will be in there for the rest of his life.

"Fact or Fiction." The Amityville Haunting. 22 Apr 2009 . <>

Brittany Williams

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