Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fibs, Fortune, and Fame

The Amityville horror story is based off of the murder of the DeFeo family. The stories tell of voices in Robert DeFeo’s head that made him commit the crime. Many of the same claims have been made over the years. People do wrong things and then plead insanity. Sometimes people actually are insane, but sometimes people just use the insanity card to get out of paying the price. And that is what Robert DeFeo is blamed for doing. Because several instances in which Robert bragged to members of his community about how he was going to fool the world with his insanity plea, it is believed by some that the haunting was never true. If not true, why claim it? Money, of course. I can only imagine how much money was made by the Lutz family just off of interviews about their so called haunting.

"Fact or Fiction." The Amityville Haunting. 22 Apr 2009 . <>

Brittany Williams

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