Wednesday, April 15, 2009

For God's Sake, GET OUT!

The Media’s Role in The Amityville horror

Between 1979 and 2005, there have been nine productions made about The Amityville Horror. Some opened in theaters, some went straight to video, and some were T.V. productions. Over $ 170,000,000 has been made on Amityville productions in the past 30 years. In a world where media controls such a large portion of our lives, it is no surprise that almost everyone has heard of The Amityville Horror. Although the more popular tale is of the son who murdered his family, the Amityville fears are based off of the Lutz family who moved into the house after the murders. The stories and accounts told by the Lutz family are the ones that still rock today’s society upside down through the creativity of the media.

Erickson, Hal. "The Amityville Horror." Get Back. 15 Apr 2009
"The Films." Amityville FAQ. 15 Apr 2009

Brittany Williams

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