Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Demons from the Dark

Originally from New York, the Parker family moved to Southington, Connecticut in order to be closer to their son, Paul’s, specialists who have been treating him for cancer. After moving into their new house, Paul’s mother, Karen, went into the basement and "found tools and equipment that [were] typically used by morticians." She "quickly came to the horrifying realization that she and her family were now residing in a former funeral home!" Although the entire Paker family was frightened by the news, they decided to continue living in the house because it was sold to them at an affordable price. This was the only house that they could afford to live in because they had spent most of their income on Paul’s medical bills.

Coffey, Chip. "Demons from the Dark" Urban Legends 2006 9 Janurary 2006 <>

Brittany Quiocho

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