Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Boo" The Myrtles Plantation Hauntings

Builder Dave Bradford was the first person to witness a ghost of a naked Indian girl appearing to be wondering around in a lost state.  Other sitings include a confederate soldier and others reported by the owners.  "Handprints in the mirrors, footsteps on the stairs, mysterious smells, vanishing objects, death by poison, hangings, murder, and gunfire," not all the usual haunted house signs have been repeatedly spoken of.  This mansion holds the record for the most ghostly phenomena than any other house in the US.  The most well known ghostly tale of the Myrtle mansion is that of Chloe.  It has been said that Chloe was a slave who murdered previous owners in a jealous rage by poisoning a homemade cake.  The image of Chloe photographed in the house is still on the plantations postcards. "Guests are often awakened by a black woman in a green turban lifting the mosquito netting on their bed so that she can have a closer look at the occupants."  These sightings are said to be the normal actions of Chloe.  Skeptics who find reason to believe that the mansion is not haunted might have changed their opinion after the ghost hunting team of TAPS were evidently spooked.  Even though the show is somewhat scripted, their fear was clear and even resulted in them cutting the cameras off early.  These ghost spottings are something that should be experienced first hand to get the full effect, but the creepy stories are enough to keep anyone intrigued. 

Taylor, Troy. Wiseheart, David. "America's Most Haunted Places." A Roadtrip into the Supernatural. The Legends, Lore, and Lies of the Myrtle Plantation. 2004. 

Granato, Sherri. "The Myrtles Plantation Mansion: Famous Hauntings in the United States." 10 November 2006. 

Haunted American Tours. Myrtles Plantation House. 20 April 2009.

Kaitlin Pondolfino

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