Sunday, April 26, 2009

If you Build it, Chloe Will Come

Judge Clark Woodruffe, former owner of the Myrtle Plantation had a reputation of being promiscuous. The story of Chloe is very well known among visitors of the home and her history holds important to the haunting tales. The relationship between Chloe and the judge is unknown, but speculations have been made that she would have to report to field work if she refused sexual acts. After the judge moved on to another mistress, Chloe became very jealous and resorted to poisoning Mrs. Woodruffe and their two daughters. Her attempt was not to kill them, but rather to have to opportunity to nurse the women to health and win back the affection of the Judge. The poison was too severe and the death of the three family members can be blamed on Chloe. Chloe's death occurred when other servants dragged her outside and hanged her. Her spirit is still felt in the mansion today. She has even been said to appear in the background of photographs inside the house.

The Myrtles Plantation Ghost Story. 2009.

Kaitlin Pondolfino

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