Sunday, April 12, 2009

The History of The Amityville House

Many people have heard of The Amityville Horror, whether through movies, books, or simply scary stories told when younger. But not many people know exactly where the stories and happenings come from. Most who know anything about the Amityville house know about the murder of the DeFeao family. On November 13, 1974 Mr. DeFeao along with his wife and four of his five children were shot and killed. The murders were carried out but Mr. DeFeao’s own son, Ronald DeFeao. Many asked what would make someone do such a thing. The ghosts, Ronald answered. Ronald swore up and down that the ghosts forced him into killing his family. At first, the possibility sounds crazy. However if one spends a little more time looking into the history of the Amityville house, what at one point sounded completely crazy actually becomes more believable.
Come to find out, the house was once used as a hospital-type residence for mentally insane Native Americans. Many died while in the house and were buried on the land. Many suspect that the spirits of the Native Americans could have been the driving force behind the DeFeao murder and the massive terrors to come.

"The Amityville Haunting." Your Ghost Stories. 2009. Google. 12 Apr 2009

Brittany Williams

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