Monday, April 27, 2009

Tour of the Propoerty

The only known tour of the building has been posted on Youtube. The video details many broken windows and many rooms that need renovations. There is no evidence of blood anywhere but it has been reported that windows within the main building have shattered for no reason. There are many places within the house which are supposively places ghosts have been spotted. 36 acres are shown on this video and much of the property is visibly in rough shape.

Most Endagered Places. 2009.

Brittany Henson

Ghost Sighting

All the old furnishings still remain in the Odd Fellows house, which only adds to the errie feeling the house has. One man reports being on the property taking pictures at night when we saw a ghost dart across his camera screen followed by coldness. Many have also reported that while exploring they felt as though someone was watching them the entire time. "It was hard not to think about what might have gone on in the rooms there, there was an old Emerency room with the beds still in the rooms," One explorer stated. The owner is reportively not allowing any tours what so ever and has hired extra security to make sure no one enters. He is supposively going to turn the building into some kind of resturant/vinery.

Ghost Vigil Investigation:Odd Fellows Home Liberty Missouri. 2008.

Brittany Henson

Missing Persons

The owners of the Odd Fellows Building refuse to speak with anyone about the current condition of the house. A caretaker is on site 24/7 to make sure no one is allowed on the property. It has been reported that those who do try and speak on the property are scared away by ghosts or stopped by the large creek that runs along the outside of the property. Many who choose to explore the property at night end up getting lost and have to be found by police or rescue teams. 10 disappearances have been linked to this building. The buildings large size makes it difficult for those who are curious to find there way on and off the property.

Viewing Place. 2009.

Brittany Henson

The Beginning

The Liberty Odd Fellowshome is located in Liberty, Missouri. This building was once an insane asylum, hospital, and old folks home operating since the early 1900's. Witnesses claim to have seen and heard many strange things. Such as bloody handprints on bathtubs and bathroom walls, and heard old bed's squeaking. Evidenct of some of the occurances have been videotaped. The house is still standing today, but it basically abandoned. What actually occurs there is unknown because of the small number of people allowed on the property.

Odd Fellows Insane Asylum. 2008.

Brittany Henson


After researching our topics, we have come to the conclusion that you can’t escape urban legends. They are everywhere and known by everyone. Thanks to the media, people everywhere know at least some urban legends. Whether through shows, internet sites or movies there are plenty of ways for one to become knowledge about some sort of urban legend. Also, using television and internet helps to spread information faster. Although the famous places we researched cannot be proven or disproved, one thing is certain; The excitement is not going anywhere soon.

Brittany W,Brittany Q,Kaitlin, Brittany H

Sunday, April 26, 2009

If you Build it, Chloe Will Come

Judge Clark Woodruffe, former owner of the Myrtle Plantation had a reputation of being promiscuous. The story of Chloe is very well known among visitors of the home and her history holds important to the haunting tales. The relationship between Chloe and the judge is unknown, but speculations have been made that she would have to report to field work if she refused sexual acts. After the judge moved on to another mistress, Chloe became very jealous and resorted to poisoning Mrs. Woodruffe and their two daughters. Her attempt was not to kill them, but rather to have to opportunity to nurse the women to health and win back the affection of the Judge. The poison was too severe and the death of the three family members can be blamed on Chloe. Chloe's death occurred when other servants dragged her outside and hanged her. Her spirit is still felt in the mansion today. She has even been said to appear in the background of photographs inside the house.

The Myrtles Plantation Ghost Story. 2009.

Kaitlin Pondolfino

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dark Destinations

Karen remembered reading about a couple named, Ed and Lorraine Warren, in the newspaper a couple days before. She had previously read about their involvement in the Amityville case and she thought that they could help get rid of the evil spirits haunting their house. While on the case Ed, Lorraine, and their investigation crew practically moved into the house with the family. They all slept in the living room in order watch out for one another. One night, while they were investigating the house, Karen was possessed by an evil spirit. He had held her down, paralyzing her, and “filled her body with negative emotions.” When she could finally move, her family told her that she had been “out for 8 hours.” Ed and Lorraine suggested that the family should contact a priest and request an exorcism of the house. After long investigations by the Catholic Church the family was granted an exorcism. During the exorcism, Karen was thrown into the wall. Also, Theresa was lifted off the ground and violently choked. The priest told everyone to “ignore what the evil spirit was doing, because acknowledging it would only make it stronger.” After the exorcism, the evil spirit had reportedly “left the house.” John Zaffis, one of the main investigators, said that after the exorcism "the house definitely felt lighter and we all felt a sense of calm and relief." Karen also said that the house “finally felt warm, comfortable, and free.”

"A Haunting in Connecticut House" Dark Destinations 2009 21 March 2009

Brittany Quiocho

A Haunting in Connecticut

Starting from the very first day that the family moved in, strange events began to occur in the house. Before moving some furniture into the kitchen, Karen decided to mop the kitchen floor. Karen says that all of a sudden “the mop water turned blood red.” One night, before Paul was taken away, he and his brother,Bobby, had remember seeing four men talking to eachother in the corner of their room. From that night on, the two boys would sleep with their lights on because they believed that this was the only way it would keep the evil spirits away. Ed, became very angry of this because the electric bill had become very high. In a result of this, Ed took out all but one of the light bulbs in the boys room. That night, Connie was seen flicking the lights on and off by Bobby, while the lamps had no light bulbs.Bobby ran upstairs and found that Connie was asleep the whole time. Other subtle signs of evil spirits began to appear, such as crucifixes disappearing from all over the house. Things especially became worse when Paul had left the house and entered the mental hospital. Karen and her niece were sitting at the kitchen table when all of a sudden a big black smoke covered the room. Karen’s niece, who was wearing a rosary, said that “the cross just lifted right over [her] head then broke into pieces.” Theresa also said that she felt “a thousand hands all over [her] and [she] could do nothing about it.” While this was happening, Ed’s car drove itself into his office building. Other strange things occurred in the Parker’s home. One night, while Karen was taking a shower the shower curtain suddenly wrapped around her entire body and began to suffocate her. Theresa had heard her aunt’s screams and rescued her from the terrifying trap.

"Discovery A Haunting in Connecticut" A Haunting in Connecticut Discovery October 2008 YouTube 14 April 2009

Brittany Quiocho

Amityville Happily Ever After

With most haunted stories, we are never told of the present status. Is it still going one? Does someone live their now? All these questions are some of which I asked about the Amityville house. Come to find out, the Amityville house still stands. Other then some slight work to the side windows, which used to be considered the red eyes of the house, nothing has really changed. The family living there is happy with the house and not willing to move any time soon.

And as far as paranormal activity, none has been reported since the Lutz family left.
It is speculated that the Lutz family had a deal with Robert DeFeo. Their haunting stories were an attempt to help and get Robert off as innocent for the murder of his family. Did the plan work? No. Not at all. Actually, Robert is still behind bars today, and will be in there for the rest of his life.

"Fact or Fiction." The Amityville Haunting. 22 Apr 2009 . <>

Brittany Williams

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fibs, Fortune, and Fame

The Amityville horror story is based off of the murder of the DeFeo family. The stories tell of voices in Robert DeFeo’s head that made him commit the crime. Many of the same claims have been made over the years. People do wrong things and then plead insanity. Sometimes people actually are insane, but sometimes people just use the insanity card to get out of paying the price. And that is what Robert DeFeo is blamed for doing. Because several instances in which Robert bragged to members of his community about how he was going to fool the world with his insanity plea, it is believed by some that the haunting was never true. If not true, why claim it? Money, of course. I can only imagine how much money was made by the Lutz family just off of interviews about their so called haunting.

"Fact or Fiction." The Amityville Haunting. 22 Apr 2009 . <>

Brittany Williams

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sleep Tight

The Myrtle Plantations historical home is fully accommodating to it's guests. That is, guests who would like to get the full affect and be completely scared out of their mind. Accommodations include daily guided history and mystery tours, a full service restaurant, 11 bed and breakfast rooms, wedding and reception facilities, and the full experience of "One of America's Most Haunted Homes." Much to researchers surprise on the haunted mansion, these accommodations are continually used by visitors. A haunted wedding? Apparently appealing to some. Photos of a view from the verandah or the sight of the crepe myrtle on the courtyard have a peaceful, calming appeal. The actually be on the grounds however, is said to be a bit erie. The following video is pictures of the land from a visitor.
The Myrtles Plantation. "One of America's Most Haunted Homes".

Kaitlin Pondolfino

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Whole New Level of Fear

Paul and his younger brother Bobby made shared the basement as their bedroom. They both remember hearing “voices calling Paul by name.” Other ghost sightings were seen by Paul’s sister, Connie. She says that she saw a strange “women in her room.” Paul’s parent’s, Karen and Ed, did not believe their children had actually seen true ghost sightings. They blamed Paul's medicine for giving him hallucinations, in which Paul's doctor confirmed that the medicine was not the cause of Paul's behavior.Instead they accused Paul of making these stories up to scare his younger siblings. They believed that Paul’s negative influence on the children was the reason for them believing that there were actual ghosts in the house. As a result of these accusations, the family started to notice that “Paul’s attitude had started to drastically change.” He became “very distinct” from his family and kept to himself. He also started to “dress in dark clothing” and he would tell his cousin, Theresa, who was living with them at the time, that an “evil spirit was telling him to do horrible things to his family.” One night, Paul went into Theresa’s room and attacked her. Paul was immediately taken out of the home and put into a mental hospital. While being forced to enter the hospital he yelled to his parents “now that I’m gone it will be after you!”

"Discovery’s “A Haunting” takes one story to a whole new level of fear" haunted San Diego Blog 2009 WordPress 13 March 2009 <>

Brittany Quiocho

Demons from the Dark

Originally from New York, the Parker family moved to Southington, Connecticut in order to be closer to their son, Paul’s, specialists who have been treating him for cancer. After moving into their new house, Paul’s mother, Karen, went into the basement and "found tools and equipment that [were] typically used by morticians." She "quickly came to the horrifying realization that she and her family were now residing in a former funeral home!" Although the entire Paker family was frightened by the news, they decided to continue living in the house because it was sold to them at an affordable price. This was the only house that they could afford to live in because they had spent most of their income on Paul’s medical bills.

Coffey, Chip. "Demons from the Dark" Urban Legends 2006 9 Janurary 2006 <>

Brittany Quiocho

"Boo" The Myrtles Plantation Hauntings

Builder Dave Bradford was the first person to witness a ghost of a naked Indian girl appearing to be wondering around in a lost state.  Other sitings include a confederate soldier and others reported by the owners.  "Handprints in the mirrors, footsteps on the stairs, mysterious smells, vanishing objects, death by poison, hangings, murder, and gunfire," not all the usual haunted house signs have been repeatedly spoken of.  This mansion holds the record for the most ghostly phenomena than any other house in the US.  The most well known ghostly tale of the Myrtle mansion is that of Chloe.  It has been said that Chloe was a slave who murdered previous owners in a jealous rage by poisoning a homemade cake.  The image of Chloe photographed in the house is still on the plantations postcards. "Guests are often awakened by a black woman in a green turban lifting the mosquito netting on their bed so that she can have a closer look at the occupants."  These sightings are said to be the normal actions of Chloe.  Skeptics who find reason to believe that the mansion is not haunted might have changed their opinion after the ghost hunting team of TAPS were evidently spooked.  Even though the show is somewhat scripted, their fear was clear and even resulted in them cutting the cameras off early.  These ghost spottings are something that should be experienced first hand to get the full effect, but the creepy stories are enough to keep anyone intrigued. 

Taylor, Troy. Wiseheart, David. "America's Most Haunted Places." A Roadtrip into the Supernatural. The Legends, Lore, and Lies of the Myrtle Plantation. 2004. 

Granato, Sherri. "The Myrtles Plantation Mansion: Famous Hauntings in the United States." 10 November 2006. 

Haunted American Tours. Myrtles Plantation House. 20 April 2009.

Kaitlin Pondolfino

For God's Sake, GET OUT!

The Media’s Role in The Amityville horror

Between 1979 and 2005, there have been nine productions made about The Amityville Horror. Some opened in theaters, some went straight to video, and some were T.V. productions. Over $ 170,000,000 has been made on Amityville productions in the past 30 years. In a world where media controls such a large portion of our lives, it is no surprise that almost everyone has heard of The Amityville Horror. Although the more popular tale is of the son who murdered his family, the Amityville fears are based off of the Lutz family who moved into the house after the murders. The stories and accounts told by the Lutz family are the ones that still rock today’s society upside down through the creativity of the media.

Erickson, Hal. "The Amityville Horror." Get Back. 15 Apr 2009
"The Films." Amityville FAQ. 15 Apr 2009

Brittany Williams

Bed & Breakfast with a side of Haunting at the Myrtles Plantation Mansion

  St. Francisville, Louisiana houses what appears to be a gorgeous and peaceful mansion, The Myrtles Plantation.  It's beauty is apparent to visitors through groves of moss, draped oaks, and pink-blossomed crepe myrtle trees, making it a prime bed a breakfast location.  What's inside however is a bit disturbed, disrupted, and far from peaceful. 
  Upon entrance, the violent past of the inn is not noticed.  However hearing the stories of owners and former guests is enough to convince anyone of the valid hauntings. Guests who have stayed there may now have a different opinion of the inn's appearance verses it's eerie atmosphere.  
  The 212-year-old building is rumored to be built above a Tunica Indian burial ground by Dave Bradford, leader of the whiskey rebellion.  Ghostly existence has come about as horrific events during the house's history have reoccurred.  As if the apparent spirits aren't enough, there have also been reports of several murders in the house.  Only one person was actually reported killed, but more murder cases may have not been revealed by the owners.  
  Most visitors at the plantation are aware of the house's haunted history and simply come in search of ghosts.  The large amounts of guests every year are not discouraged by the stories they hear, and not disappointed when they leave their stay at the spooky mansion.

Taylor, Troy. Wiseheart, David. "America's Most Haunted Places." A Roadtrip into the Supernatural. The Legends, Lore, and Lies of the Myrtle Plantation. 2004. 

Granato, Sherri. "The Myrtles Plantation Mansion: Famous Hauntings in the United States." 10 November 2006. 

Kaitlin Pondolfino

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The History of The Amityville House

Many people have heard of The Amityville Horror, whether through movies, books, or simply scary stories told when younger. But not many people know exactly where the stories and happenings come from. Most who know anything about the Amityville house know about the murder of the DeFeao family. On November 13, 1974 Mr. DeFeao along with his wife and four of his five children were shot and killed. The murders were carried out but Mr. DeFeao’s own son, Ronald DeFeao. Many asked what would make someone do such a thing. The ghosts, Ronald answered. Ronald swore up and down that the ghosts forced him into killing his family. At first, the possibility sounds crazy. However if one spends a little more time looking into the history of the Amityville house, what at one point sounded completely crazy actually becomes more believable.
Come to find out, the house was once used as a hospital-type residence for mentally insane Native Americans. Many died while in the house and were buried on the land. Many suspect that the spirits of the Native Americans could have been the driving force behind the DeFeao murder and the massive terrors to come.

"The Amityville Haunting." Your Ghost Stories. 2009. Google. 12 Apr 2009

Brittany Williams