Monday, April 27, 2009

Tour of the Propoerty

The only known tour of the building has been posted on Youtube. The video details many broken windows and many rooms that need renovations. There is no evidence of blood anywhere but it has been reported that windows within the main building have shattered for no reason. There are many places within the house which are supposively places ghosts have been spotted. 36 acres are shown on this video and much of the property is visibly in rough shape.

Most Endagered Places. 2009.

Brittany Henson

Ghost Sighting

All the old furnishings still remain in the Odd Fellows house, which only adds to the errie feeling the house has. One man reports being on the property taking pictures at night when we saw a ghost dart across his camera screen followed by coldness. Many have also reported that while exploring they felt as though someone was watching them the entire time. "It was hard not to think about what might have gone on in the rooms there, there was an old Emerency room with the beds still in the rooms," One explorer stated. The owner is reportively not allowing any tours what so ever and has hired extra security to make sure no one enters. He is supposively going to turn the building into some kind of resturant/vinery.

Ghost Vigil Investigation:Odd Fellows Home Liberty Missouri. 2008.

Brittany Henson

Missing Persons

The owners of the Odd Fellows Building refuse to speak with anyone about the current condition of the house. A caretaker is on site 24/7 to make sure no one is allowed on the property. It has been reported that those who do try and speak on the property are scared away by ghosts or stopped by the large creek that runs along the outside of the property. Many who choose to explore the property at night end up getting lost and have to be found by police or rescue teams. 10 disappearances have been linked to this building. The buildings large size makes it difficult for those who are curious to find there way on and off the property.

Viewing Place. 2009.

Brittany Henson

The Beginning

The Liberty Odd Fellowshome is located in Liberty, Missouri. This building was once an insane asylum, hospital, and old folks home operating since the early 1900's. Witnesses claim to have seen and heard many strange things. Such as bloody handprints on bathtubs and bathroom walls, and heard old bed's squeaking. Evidenct of some of the occurances have been videotaped. The house is still standing today, but it basically abandoned. What actually occurs there is unknown because of the small number of people allowed on the property.

Odd Fellows Insane Asylum. 2008.

Brittany Henson


After researching our topics, we have come to the conclusion that you can’t escape urban legends. They are everywhere and known by everyone. Thanks to the media, people everywhere know at least some urban legends. Whether through shows, internet sites or movies there are plenty of ways for one to become knowledge about some sort of urban legend. Also, using television and internet helps to spread information faster. Although the famous places we researched cannot be proven or disproved, one thing is certain; The excitement is not going anywhere soon.

Brittany W,Brittany Q,Kaitlin, Brittany H

Sunday, April 26, 2009

If you Build it, Chloe Will Come

Judge Clark Woodruffe, former owner of the Myrtle Plantation had a reputation of being promiscuous. The story of Chloe is very well known among visitors of the home and her history holds important to the haunting tales. The relationship between Chloe and the judge is unknown, but speculations have been made that she would have to report to field work if she refused sexual acts. After the judge moved on to another mistress, Chloe became very jealous and resorted to poisoning Mrs. Woodruffe and their two daughters. Her attempt was not to kill them, but rather to have to opportunity to nurse the women to health and win back the affection of the Judge. The poison was too severe and the death of the three family members can be blamed on Chloe. Chloe's death occurred when other servants dragged her outside and hanged her. Her spirit is still felt in the mansion today. She has even been said to appear in the background of photographs inside the house.

The Myrtles Plantation Ghost Story. 2009.

Kaitlin Pondolfino

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dark Destinations

Karen remembered reading about a couple named, Ed and Lorraine Warren, in the newspaper a couple days before. She had previously read about their involvement in the Amityville case and she thought that they could help get rid of the evil spirits haunting their house. While on the case Ed, Lorraine, and their investigation crew practically moved into the house with the family. They all slept in the living room in order watch out for one another. One night, while they were investigating the house, Karen was possessed by an evil spirit. He had held her down, paralyzing her, and “filled her body with negative emotions.” When she could finally move, her family told her that she had been “out for 8 hours.” Ed and Lorraine suggested that the family should contact a priest and request an exorcism of the house. After long investigations by the Catholic Church the family was granted an exorcism. During the exorcism, Karen was thrown into the wall. Also, Theresa was lifted off the ground and violently choked. The priest told everyone to “ignore what the evil spirit was doing, because acknowledging it would only make it stronger.” After the exorcism, the evil spirit had reportedly “left the house.” John Zaffis, one of the main investigators, said that after the exorcism "the house definitely felt lighter and we all felt a sense of calm and relief." Karen also said that the house “finally felt warm, comfortable, and free.”

"A Haunting in Connecticut House" Dark Destinations 2009 21 March 2009

Brittany Quiocho